Doing Work

May your coffee be strong, and your Monday be short.

That is my hope for you today. It looks like it is another gorgeous day out, even though temperature wise I think it is a little cooler. Anyway, here is the weekend and a look at the upcoming week!


After a little quick cleaning and cuddle time with the little one, Nate's family arrived at our house. The night brought beer, pizza and basketball. Hoosier life ha! Unfortunately the Pacers ended up losing by one


Saturday was Fraternity Day of Service for Pi Phi, and like when I was in school the girls spent the day at Barnes and Noble doing Dr. Seuss-like things. This year B&N was offering 10% of purchases back to the chapter for a donation to First Book. So being the good alumnae that we are, Natalie and I headed to B&N and I bought Leighton a couple of books (Go Dogs, Go & Brown Bear, Brown Bear). Then we walked the mall a little bit and little man fell asleep. 

I could have cleaned everything and taken a prettier picture, but why? I preach realness here so that is what you are getting. My counters aren't always spotless.

When we got back home, Nate had been hard at work painting. By that evening all the lowers were painted and we decided to go and buy the hardware for the doors/drawers. To end the evening outing we stopped and ate Chinese, because we can. I have such a love for the was a struggle to only eat two.


Sunday brought more painting, grocery shopping and computer work. The hardware went on the drawers/doors that were done, and I am loving how it looks!

We ended the night with popcorn (as always) and tried our darnedest to stay up until the end of the Oscars. I failed, not sure if Nate made it or not. That being said, congrats to Leo (even though I didn't see it happen)!

[This Week]

What should you expect this week? Well let me tell you, I am super excited about it. 
- Best in Beauty | Hair (plus some)
- Lucky Picks (St. Patty's Day outfits)
- Product Reviews
- Four the Love of Friday (Do we like the name?)
- Shop Small Highlight

Ambitious? Maybe. 

Here is to a wonderful week! Love you all, thank you for stopping in!

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