Going Home

Oh hey people of the blogworld. Guess what day it is? Nope, not Wednessday. It is Monday and just knowing what all I have in the morning I know it is going to be particularly Monday-like.

"MONDAY Mood" _____________________________ Reposted by Dr. Veronica Lee, DNP (Depew/Buffalo, NY, US)

Unfortunately I had a great weekend which makes coming back to the real world of work that much harder. If you follow me on Insta, you will have noticed that I was super quite - aka I posted nothing. Twitter however I think I posted one time and my personal Facebook page was updated a bit. This is all because I went home to see my family and I feel like when I  do that I always fall off the face of the social media planet. It is just so relaxing being home and seeing all of my family. It is a 4-hour drive (with a dog more like four and a half now) so I don't see them often.

Seriously though you can't beat the view at my Nanna's house (below) and there is always plenty of food when you visit. My trip worked out perfectly this past weekend since it was my sister and mom's birthdays! I love spending time with family so I have no pictures to show for the weekend. Actually I do, but those are part of a separate project to be unveiled later on.

I have some cool things planned for the week and the rest of the month even. My to-do list is nuts so we will see what happens. Part of that to-do list is scheduling posts so I can share more with you all on a regular basis, but to do that I need content. If there is anything you think I should write about just let me know!

Stay tuned!


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Check out some other fun blogs through these link-ups: Monday Morning GossipMore Pieces of MeOn the Daily Express

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