Time to Adult

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Monday, Monday, Monday! Yup we are back again. Put on your pants and get ready to adult with the rest of us. This past weekend was the last weekend without plans for about four weeks now so it was filled with relaxation and home projects. Here is the weekend in more detail.


I started the evening opening a lovely package from Morphe (I got this powder brush and this foundation brush) and spending some time outside enjoying the clear skies with my puppy.

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Then after a quick trip to Sephora to exchange a foundation and my quickest Target run ever, I spent the night cleaning and organizing our room/bathroom. Mostly I organized the bathroom to try and get a handle on my beauty products before I packed my bag for doing my friend's hair and makeup the next morning. It is crazy how much I enjoy organizing that type of stuff, or organizing in general. My grandma actually used to pay me to organize her closets as a kid so I do enjoy it. The rest of the night was spent chit chatting with the friend I mentioned earlier before falling asleep while watching Selena.


The day started bright and early doing my lovely bestie's hair and makeup for a wedding she was in. Of course we were short on time and I didn't get a picture taken of it, but I will get one eventually. She looked gorgeous as always though. After that I headed home and cleaned a bit, took a nap, enjoyed being outside, the works.

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After sleeping in and waking up feeling super well rested, I tackled the rest of the painting that needed to be done (well the stuff I could safely reach) and started cleaning. Nate was still in Fort Wayne, so I pretty much just kept myself busy until he got home by watching movies (Saving Mr. Banks and Endless Love).

And that is the weekend. Nice, relaxed and productive. Bring on the next four weeks of craziness!

This weekend we have the first of several weddings. Other than that I plan on continuing to organize the house, I feel like my nesting urge is going to be strong fast. So far I have reorganized our bedroom, bathroom, and closet, and we are in the middle of decorating our living/dining/kitchen. Sorry Nate for the nesting that is to come!

Speaking of decorating, where is the best place to find great wall decor? Also, has anyone ever repainted a crib? We have this awesome old, solid wood crib that we want to make white and slightly distressed but I don't know what the best product will be to use.

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