Friday's Favorites | April 10

Another Friday, another list of favorites! This week is kind of BuzzFeed heavy, but they all were just so perfect.

This Guy

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Honestly my dog is one of my favorite things every week, but this week I took a few pictures of him because he has been my sidekick lately.

All of these BuzzFeed articles:

Struggles that were all too real to 90s kids

For real, the struggle of Dunkaroos and Capri Suns were enough to ruin your day.

Sephora on FleekSecrets for shopping at Sephora13 Emotions Everyone Experiences in Sephora

Because Sephora is an experience in itself.

32 Pictures that will give you intense Elementary school flashbacks

That pizza and Bill Nye though!

This Is Why Teens Are Rapping About Eggs, Bacon, Grits And Sausages

Apparently I am too old or out of the know, because when a co-worker sent me this video I just asked why. Why in the heck are people rapping about sausage. What did I miss!? As always, BuzzFeed tries to help us understand.

Rules of Engagement

I am currently binging on this on Netflix currently and am giggling myself to sleep each night.

A New House

We get to buy our new house today! So, so excited!

The Berry's Morning Coffee

Thanks for submitting original awesome/hilarious photos! Click HERE to upload your images or send to theBERRYsubmit[at]gmail[dot]com





And that is it for me! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'll be all over social media with house stuff this weekend if you feel like keeping up with the Blair's this weekend.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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