Friday's Favorites | April 3

Hooray for Friday's! This time next week I will be getting ready to close on my new house, which is craziness.

Nikki Blackketter

If you are trying to get fit/change your body up and haven't found her on instagram or YouTube yet, get on that. Seriously, she is what I needed to find to be able to really focus and get where I want to be. Once we move and get settled in I will begin looking for a gym. Until then it will be body weight excercises and running to get me going. Once I can start lifting again, I will be looking to this girl for inspiration. Also I am thinking about this whole macro counting thing. Thoughts?

This video

It just made me smile.

Hulu Pets

Is this real life? Hulu for my dog, need to try it and see if he would even care. It could be slightly entertaining for him, or it could drive him crazy.

Stories about my sister

Seriously, listening to my Mom's stories about conversations she has with my little sister crack me up. Most recently was one where Mom was asking her if her boyfriend would be joining the family for Easter this year and she replied with some version of these words "Not sure yet, he is in a bit of a bitchy mood....", followed by "Actually he isn't, he just didn't think I would actually say that. He is right next to me." Obviously the girl has no filter and she brightens my life.

These Products

These are the constants in my beauty routine lately.
*disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links


I know I have talked about it before, but really it is probably my favorite way to look for new items. You really should join (you can join by clicking here).

The Morning Coffee on The Berry





Vanilla Frosted Funfetti Donuts



...and in case you want to be distracted a bit by a Thor Look Alike with a bun look here.

That is all she wrote! Have a great weekend everyone.

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