
Well we were gone for almost a week! It was such a relaxing (much needed) vacation. Nate and I aren't really go, go, go type of people, so there isn't too much to chat about. There are pictures though, at least one a day. I count this as a win.


Travel day! We started our trek super early, like woke up at 3:30 am type of early. And of course I procrastinated slightly and didn't go to bed until pretty late, then I couldn't fall asleep so...ya know. Anyway, we made it to the airport around 5 for our 6:45 flight (hooray for easy airports) and survived our long flight to Las Vegas. Honestly we were very poorly prepared for the 4 hour flight, but Southwest has free streaming TV and we found something to watch and pass the time.

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In Vegas, Nate lost a dollar to blackjack and I lost 20 minutes of life to the Starbucks line. After some pizza, we settled in to wait for the flight into Orange County. That flight was uneventful and we landed and hopped in Nate's sister's car to drive to San Diego.

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Wasting little time, we headed to the water for a bit of relaxation. We were staying with Nate's sister and brother-in-law who live right on the bay so it was the perfect walk to a sunny beach. We ended the night with BBQ, which was delish, and Nate and I stayed up as late as our bodies would let us to try and get acclamated to the time change. Day 1, complete.

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Like I said, Nate and I are pretty chill when it comes to vacations so Day 2 started with a little walking around in San Diego. We visited some little shops, saw some boats and ate some cookies. After lunch and a little just sitting around, Nate and I headed to the beach and then ordered a pizza. Later we watched a movie and crashed for the night. It was a pretty low-key day, and I was not mad about it.

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Day 3 was spent by the water, who would have guessed. Actually the morning was spent inside playing with the baby and just sitting around until the boys went golfing. Then the girls were off to the beach. Time flew by as my SIL and I talked and the baby slept, and eventually we both realized we were getting a bit red and headed back. It was just enough time to get my skin nice and red, perfect for the nice date night Nate and I had planned...great.

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I got ready for the evening and for once was ready early, like 40 minutes early. Nate on the otherhand barely made it (he blames traffic on the way home from the course). We hopped in the car and headed to our dinner cruise for the evening. Loved it. Dinner was great, and the views and weather were perfect. It was a really nice date night.

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Date Night Outfits

Similar, not exact

Actual bracelets from Brick Street Boutique (Bourbon and Boweties) and Bijoux Avenue (blue tassel). Actual dress from Anna's Style Boutique.

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On my face:


Day 4 we headed north to Newport Beach with Nate's cousin. On the way, we stopped to see the seals at La Jolla and then stoped in Laguna for lunch.

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Once we made it to Newport Beach, we relaxed for a bit and then headed out for an acai bowl to hold us over until dinner. It was so yummy! I want to start making them at home, but need to find a good place to get the acai. Any suggestions?

We ended the night with pizza and it was so yummy! Alfredo sauce, mozzarella, ricotta, peperroni, seriously you can't go wrong. 


Obviously me being pregnant limits some of the activities we could do, but on Day 5 we headed to Venice Beach for some walking around and touristy things. First stop was In-and-Out. My honest opinion? It was good, but it reminded me of a slightly thicker Steak and Shake burger with more sauce and veggies. Go ahead and tell me I am wrong, it was just my original feeling. I would eat it again though, let's be honest. 

We made it to Venice Beach and walked quite a bit. Stopping and watching people at muscle beach, the skate park and evenually the freak show, until I got super hot and pulled the pregnancy card. We were out there long enough though that all of us ended up a bit rosy, some more than others.

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On the way back we stopped for frozen yogurt and then just sat around a bit before grabbing dinner. That night, dinner was a little Mexican food place suggested by our Uber driver that morning. It ended up being a pretty good recommendation. Their salsa selection was on point! We ended the night with Straight Outta Compton and then crashed hard. It was a nice sleep.


Our flight home was late enough in the afternoon that we really couldn't do much, plus other people went to work anyway. Nate and I slept in and then took our time getting ready and packing up. Then we took a nice little Uber ride to the airport, grabbed some food and headed back to Vegas. I was hungry by the time we got there so I grabbed food and Nate tried to find another blackjack machine (he failed) before getting food for himself.

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Travel Outfits

Similar, not exact
Learning from our mistake on the way out, we made sure our computer was charged as well as our phones. The flight back was then filled with Treehouse Masters and sudoku, yup we are a really excited couple of people. Other than some loud toddlers, and some oversharing from other individuals it was a pretty good flight and we made it back to Indy on time.

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It was almost 1:30 am before we got back, but lordy was Remi happy to see us! I gotta say, I was pretty excited to see him too, but also to sleep in my bed again. We fell asleep hard and fast and went back to our normal lives the next morning. 

All in all it was a great vacation and I finally look like a healthy skinned individual again. So much for not many words huh?

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