I will welcome November with open arms this year. We are that much closer to our little guy getting here, and the fact that it has been in the 70's during the day has just been the cherry on top. That being said a lot of my currently topics will revert back to baby stuff because that is what is happening.
Currently, I am cooking dinners to have on hand once Leighton makes his arrival. This week is lasagna. The plan is to pick one meal that would be freezer friendly every week from now until he arrives and make about three extra to have on hand when needed. I can't decide what to make next though. Any suggestions on good freezer meals?
Currently, I am planning how in the world I am going to go about cleaning this house and packing for the hospital. Any suggestions on how to prioritize it all and make sure everything (within reason) gets done is greatly appreciated.
Currently, I am smelling a mixture of rum coffee and the general manly smells (it depends where you are in my house. Downstairs I have warm scents burning/warming (mocha rum and pumpkin pie) and upstairs is always a more manly smelling place (Warm Pipe Tobacco and Tuscan Cyprus & Sandlewood). Both floors just make me happy.
Currently, I am appreciating my husband. With the birth of our son approaching quickly he is handling my odd requests/complaints so well. Obviously there are stressers that come with preparing for baby, and on top of it all we are down a car (still). If they are really stressing him out he is doing an amazing job of hiding it and making me feel better when I start to stress. I really don't know what I would do without him. He is my rock.
Currently, I am anticipating the arrival of little Leighton. Of course, I want him to keep on cooking, but I really cannot wait for him to be here. We have spent the last 8 months dreaming about htis little guy and it is so, so close. Our world is about to be rocked and I am really pumped for it.
- update blog layout/design
- make pillows for Leighton's Room
- make second sheet for cradle
- pack hospital bags
- make frozen meals for after baby
- get all Christmas shopping done
- watch the Macy's parade (since we aren't going anywhere)
- maternity pictures
And that is where my brain is at this point in time. So much to do and just over a month left to do it. Advice is greatly appreciated for what to take the time and handle and what to just let fall to the bottom of the list. This is our first kid so we are flying blind.
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