Give Me All the Coffee

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Anyone else? Lately it really does seem like it would be more efficient to have a coffee iv running at all times. I make at least one pot in the morning and a large cup in the afternoon. I would drink more too if my Kurig made larger amounts. The struggle guys.

Onward with this weekend's recap.


Friday night was a girls' night/guys' night kind of thing. Nate, Leighton and one of our good friends all stayed at our house and watched basketball. I headed out for some girl time and pizza at Greek's. I am always down for pizza and beer, and it really hit the spot.


All day Saturday I worked on some stuff for my favorite boutique of life (@annasstylebtq on Insta, go check it out) and Nate worked on actual work stuff. We also did some light clean up and a lot of relaxing.

My parents and littlest brother drove up that night then just because they hadn't seen Leighton in a while. This kid is going to be so spoiled with attention. We love seeing them though. If you follow me on snap you already know what else happened that night. Any guesses? Yup, Wine and baking. It is becoming a fun trend, maybe it will stick around. I had made zucchini boats for dinner and didn't want to waste the zucchini that you scoop out so I made zucchini bread with it. Win. Plus it gave me an excuse to try the new wine my lovely Seanie got me from Two-EE's winery in Huntington. It was delicious.


Y'all, we got so much done on Sunday. Aside from general house stuff, we mulched and edged our front yard flower beds and trees (by we I mean mostly Nate) and planned out our backyard project. I'm so excited for all of it! My Grandpa has the most amazing flowers/garden/yard ever, literally people have called just to complement it all before, and I just want to be like him. Love you Pap!

Let's be real though, I am probably going to kill everything we plant...


Blog | 3 published, next week planned 
Health | Follow the TIU workouts at least 5 days
Personal | Change out of pajamas before work each morning
Home | No laundry mountain
Anyone else struggle with the laundry mountain? Happy Monday to all you lovely people out there!

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