So, with the change in season comes a change in wardrobe. There are a few things that hold true though:
That being said, I have three outfits that I am loving more than anything this week. All of these items are from Anna's Style Boutique, my absolute favorite boutique in Franklin. You can shop the looks here and save 10% when you use the code KATI at checkout!
These flats are on major repeat for my weekly outfits (well until the snow hits), and I love holy pants. Pair that with a flowy top and you have an outfit made in heaven. The lace detail on the back of this one makes everything even more amazing.
A key to winter fashion is layers. All the layers. Add that to plaid and you have something special. I love a good plaid shirt. This one is lightweight and actually has mixed print details on the back, which is an added bonus. Disclaimer, I love plaid so much that I steal my brothers. If there are any good deals on plaid/flannel shirts out there, let me know!
Winter in Indiana is anything but stable. Having a comfortable outfit is a must for your winter wardrobe. This hoodie is the softest thing I have ever felt, and these boots are to die for. I love a good fringe detail, here is to hoping it doesn't ever go out of style. Anyone else feel like fringe could be a new neutral? Or am I pushing things a bit?
That is that. My favorite three looks for casual winter life. As a mom, all of these work so well too. Everything is super easy to move in and nothing is too chunky. Super easy to snuggle the babes in or chase after them as they are destroying your house (I struggle keeping up with one, God bless all of you with more).
What are your key pieces for winter?
Cheers loves!
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