This is it. The last weekly update before baby Hudson joins us.
I can't believe we are here already. As you read this I will be checked in to the hospital, waiting to to go in for my c-section. Soon we will have our second little bundle of joy and life will change yet again.

Two boys. God is giving us two little boys to raise into gentlemen. Ah, it just makes my heart melt.
Let's talk symptoms.
Like I said last for last week, I am itchy and uncomfortable. Not much has really changed. These last weeks of pregnancy are just a growing period of uncomfortableness paired with extreme excitement for what is to come.
Let's talk about the baby.
Leighton ended up being born at 39 weeks as well. He ended up being exactly 21 inches long and 8 pounds. We shall see how similar these boys are soon!
Thank you to everyone who has sent thoughts and prayers our way during this pregnancy and especially today. You are all appreciated and loved more than you could know!
Check back soon for more of The Blair Life. Make sure to follow along on social to get the first look at our new babe when he arrives!!
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